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332d 0h

Global Items with Hue: 1254
Item Type Item Name Hue Active Inactive
AncientMIB 1154 202
AncientMIBClock 8 1
Armoire 1 0
Bandage 3 1
Bandana 1 0
BarbedLeather 6 2
BodySash 9 2
Boots 3 0
BustierofDomination 4 1
CargoCrateDye 1 0
Cloak 7 3
Cloth 48 3
Counter 20 1
CounterMiddle 22 0
DeathShroud 0 1
Doublet 2 0
Drawer 5 0
EmptyBookcase 2 0
EStatueOne 232 26
FactionExplosionTrapDeed 21 4
FactionGasTrapDeed 34 0
FancyArmoire 3 1
FancyDrawer 2 0
FancyShirt 1 0
FemaleLeatherChest 3 6
FemaleStuddedChest 2 0
FishingPole 1 0
FloppyHat 1 0
FootStool 3 0
FurnitureDyeTub 9 1
GiftBox 4 2
HalfApron 45 6
HornedLeather 1 0
JesterHat 1 0
Kilt 4 1
Lantern 1 0
LargeCrate 8 0
Leather 2 0
LeatherArms 37 31
LeatherBustierArms 5 1
LeatherCap 13 17
LeatherChest 35 25
LeatherDyeTub 39 15
LeatherGloves 31 43
LeatherGorget 28 28
LeatherLegs 32 26
LeatherShorts 2 1
LeatherSkirt 4 0
MarblePedistal 9 0
MarblePedistalSmall 14 0
MarbleSittingBench 5 0
MarbleTableEnd1 10 1
MarbleTableEnd2 9 1
MarbleTableMiddle 20 1
MetalGoldenChest 1 0
Nightstand 13 1
OakTableWithRunnerEnd1 2 1
OakTableWithRunnerEnd2 4 1
OakTableWithRunnerMiddle 14 3
PlainDress 3 0
PotionKeg 29 5
RangerArms 2 2
RangerChest 1 2
RangerGloves 1 2
RangerGorget 2 2
RangerLegs 2 2
RareCargoCrate 8 0
RareRibbon 10 0
RewardCake 1 1
Robe 210 574
Runebook 298 94
RunebookDyeTub 40 14
Sandals 5 0
SandStoneSittingBench 5 0
Shirt 9 0
ShortPants 9 0
Skirt 21 0
SkullCap 7 1
SmallCrate 1 0
SpookyWallScrollDeed 1 0
Static 7 9
StoneBenchMiddle 11 0
StoneFencePost1 1 0
StoneTableEnd1 13 0
StoneTableEnd2 8 0
StoneTableMiddle 28 1
Stool 2 1
StrawHat 1 0
StuddedArms 3 4
StuddedBustierArms 0 3
StuddedChest 2 2
StuddedGloves 4 3
StuddedGorget 3 6
StuddedLegs 4 2
ThighBoots 2 0
Throne 3 4
TricorneHat 1 0
Tunic 2 2
WideBrimHat 10 2
WizardsHat 0 1
WoodenBench 26 0
WoodenBox 10 0
WoodenChairCushion 2 0
WoodenChest 31 7
WoodenThrone 5 0
WritingTable 1 0
Total Count 2846 1206
Inactive items are located on accounts that have not been accessed in 90 days
Item Database Last Updated: 07-26-2024 3:18 AM (EST) | Updates Every 24 Hours