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Guild PvP Leaderboard

Standard 7x

Mage 5x

Mage 7x







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List of the top 50 players ranked by guild kills

Player Name Guild World Rank Level Experience Kills
Topper Harley 1st
761 126
Prolife 2nd
617 84
Xegugg 3rd
504 64
t dawg [H*A] 4th
423 51
Erza Scarlet [-S-] 5th
385 41
Sir Orrin [VoP] 6th
347 38
Blaise [A^T] 7th
323 35
Isabel 8th
315 27
Ne'rull 9th
290 29
Catalin [VoP] 10th
284 29
Smaz Atlantic 11th
280 39
Cortland Andrus [VoP] 12th
272 27
Headsman 13th
245 23
Ug'luk 14th
242 24
Woody III [LoD] 14th
242 25
Hu'z'ke 16th
234 24
Snargul 16th
234 22
Jupiter [VoP] 17th
223 23
Wrax Tuque 18th
218 24
Oku 19th
204 21
Ray Velcoro [C^M] 20th
188 21
Borin Drake 21st
177 18
a cat 21st
177 19
Z'haa'l Trok 22nd
176 17
Rotgrub 23rd
169 16
Var'gux 24th
161 14
Nikki [ONE] 25th
156 13
Eddard Stark 26th
152 15
I Bet Ur Pissed 28th
145 15
Nixon [USA] 29th
136 12
Balla [TT] 30th
135 12
crooks [tNl] 31st
134 12
Otis Driftwood 32nd
133 12
Zug'nok 33rd
126 10
Cynic [-3-] 34th
125 12
Agent X 34th
125 10
Gaping Bernard 35th
124 12
Skul'nuk 36th
122 12
Piatt 36th
122 17
Smoke Break 37th
121 9
Saint Ignatius [[St] 38th
120 9
LudKrud 40th
114 9
Krispy Kreme 41st
111 11
Ouroboros 42nd
110 11
Vishakt 43rd
109 10
Anya Ivanova 44th
103 10
Zunu'Ghuk 45th
98 9
Yub'Grug 45th
98 9
Quay 45th
98 9
Krug'gruk 45th
98 9
Ram'Rok 45th
98 9
Hazy 45th
98 9
Panda Guard 45th
98 9
Private Parts [HII] 47th
94 9
Norick Meadmane [D@F] 47th
94 8
AcidBath 48th
93 9
Phaedrus [-S-] 49th
92 8
Melochabre 49th
92 9
Baltimore 50th
90 10
Marillion 51st
88 9
Jax [S] 52nd
84 6
Uzgak 52nd
84 6
Belial [A] 52nd
84 9
Finn 53rd
83 8
Valentina [] 54th
82 12
Tigress 55th
81 10
Xor [ORX] 56th
80 8
EbayingNewb [-F-] 57th
79 6
RollinTheTweed 58th
78 8
Peridan [OCD] 59th
76 9
Stanley Hudson 60th
75 9
Heroin 61st
73 6
Izikiel Rage [HaR] 61st
73 6
Xlandor [A] 61st
73 7
storm- 62nd
72 6
Mona Lisa [-3-] 63rd
69 6
Pork Fried Rice 63rd
69 6
Gone Fishin [ONE] 63rd
69 6
Ricky Spanish [brg] 63rd
69 7
Klog 64th
68 6
Drag Queen Bob 64th
68 6
S Quentin Quale 65th
67 6
galaxy crisis [cA] 65th
67 6
Mumash 65th
67 6
Mii U Wii [USA] 65th
67 6
Causa Mortis 66th
66 6
EriZ 67th
65 6
Sri'psh 67th
65 6
Marneus Calgar [Hk] 67th
65 6
Clover 67th
65 6
Hugo Rowntree [VoP] 68th
63 6
Balgami [A] 68th
63 6
Airpaul 68th
63 6
63 5
Vulug [0rc] 69th
62 6
Aegis Lux Dator 70th
61 6
Fod'Air [NW0] 70th
61 6
Koremere 70th
61 5
Mazug'a 71st
60 6
Shadbak [VoP] 71st
60 6

Scoring Methodology - Duels: Experience gained from duels is based on your current experience(rank) vs the players experience(rank) that you dueled. As you rise in rank you will gain less and less experience from duels with players below your rank eventually ceasing to gain experience for a lopsided duel.

Scoring Methodology - Other: All other non duel combat is graded on a two part system. The killers combat rank is determined by their experience in the related type of combat, while their victims experience is based on a weighted average of their total combat experience (non duel). The amount of times that a player has killed another player also will factor into the process. The more you have killed someone, combined with their overall combat experience will determine your experience gain, if any, in a combat situation.

Updates: Duel Ladders are updated every 2 hours. The Overall PvP leaderboards are updated nightly.

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