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331d 20h

Global Items with Hue: 1109
Item Type Item Name Hue Active Inactive
AbbatoirDeed 1 0
Armoire 7 0
BadCard 187 33
Bandage 1 1
Bandana 13 10
BarbedHides 269 378
BarbedLeather 1417 2372
BearMask 22 15
BodySash 10 6
BoneArms 1462 1129
BoneChest 1604 1151
BoneGloves 1273 1117
BoneHelm 1377 1152
BoneLegs 1545 1156
BoneVanityHelm 12 8
Boots 202 432
Cake 2 0
Cloak 883 5243
Cloth 87 21
Counter 526 6
CounterMiddle 438 8
DeerMask 25 25
Doublet 19 15
Drawer 27 1
Easle 1 0
EmptyBookcase 102 2
EStatueAngel 10 0
EStatueBust 10 0
EStatuePegasus 12 1
FancyArmoire 2 0
FancyDrawer 13 1
FancyShirt 7 7
FancyWoodenChairCushion 21 0
FeatheredHat 3 0
FemaleLeatherChest 1264 335
FemaleStuddedChest 84 32
FishingPole 2 0
FloppyHat 0 1
FootStool 72 1
FullApron 1 2
FurnitureDyeTub 161 18
GiftBox 6 1
HalfApron 586 217
HornedTribalMask 9 25
JesterHat 2 0
Kilt 31 16
Lantern 6 7
LargeCrate 17 0
LargeTable 32 0
LeatherArms 12386 10423
LeatherBustierArms 891 262
LeatherCap 7238 7418
LeatherChest 11726 9830
LeatherGloves 11820 10099
LeatherGorget 12602 10270
LeatherLegs 11613 10117
LeatherShorts 424 251
LeatherSkirt 790 253
LongPants 5 3
MarbleBenchEnd1 7 0
MarbleBenchEnd2 7 0
MarbleBenchMiddle 14 0
MarblePedistal 432 8
MarblePedistalSmall 113 2
MarbleSittingBench 237 4
MarbleTableEnd1 107 2
MarbleTableEnd2 84 4
MarbleTableMiddle 216 2
MediumCrate 7 0
MetalChest 2 0
MonsterStatuette 102 3
Nightstand 179 2
OakTableWithRunnerEnd1 133 2
OakTableWithRunnerEnd2 155 3
OakTableWithRunnerMiddle 1019 55
OrcHelm 1 0
OrcMask 4 2
OrcVanityHelm 2 5
PlainDress 5 4
PotionKeg 4 2
RackofThreeCanvasesSouth 1 0
RackofTwoCanvasesEast 2 0
RackofTwoCanvasesSouth 1 0
RareBlackrock 19 5
RareBrokenChair2 1 0
RareFishingNetCenter 13 0
RareHeart 26 8
RareRock1 1 0
RareTrophy 14 6
RewardCake 4 0
Robe 23 29
Sandals 106 89
SandstoneBenchEnd1 2 0
SandstoneBenchEnd2 2 0
SandstoneBenchMiddle 15 0
SandstoneFencePost1 67 0
SandstoneFencePost2 68 0
SandStoneSittingBench 12 3
SandStoneTableEnd1 44 6
SandStoneTableEnd2 36 4
SandStoneTableMiddle 84 9
Shirt 1 1
Shoes 432 104
ShortPants 3 0
Skirt 11 5
SkullCap 1 2
SmallCrate 7 0
SpecialMaskDye 20 4
Spellbook 7 9
StoneBenchEnd1 43 0
StoneBenchEnd2 43 0
StoneBenchMiddle 103 0
StoneFencePost1 118 0
StoneRail 66 1
StoneTableEnd1 294 8
StoneTableEnd2 221 4
StoneTableMiddle 900 39
Stool 31 0
StuddedArms 198 351
StuddedBustierArms 36 25
StuddedChest 165 316
StuddedGloves 217 348
StuddedGorget 1178 1225
StuddedLegs 187 340
Surcoat 1 0
TallMusicStand 1 0
ThighBoots 165 206
Throne 62 2
TribalMask 6 1
TricorneHat 3 0
Tunic 9 11
WizardsHat 11 8
WoodenBench 838 16
WoodenBox 30 1
WoodenChair 2 0
WoodenChairCushion 3 0
WoodenChest 188 12
WoodenThrone 134 1
WritingTable 2 0
YewWoodTable 1 0
Total Count 92467 77170
Inactive items are located on accounts that have not been accessed in 90 days
Item Database Last Updated: 07-26-2024 3:18 AM (EST) | Updates Every 24 Hours