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19d 13h

Global Items with Hue: 1164
Item Type Item Name Hue Active Inactive
Armoire 3 0
Bandana 3 2
BearMask 2 1
BodySash 43 63
Boots 60 59
Cake 2 0
Cap 2 0
Cloak 39 54
Cloth 10 6
Counter 20 0
CounterMiddle 13 0
DeerMask 4 2
Doublet 37 58
Drawer 16 0
EmptyBookcase 12 0
EStatueBust 6 0
EStatuePegasus 1 0
EStatueSurfer 37 10
FancyArmoire 2 0
FancyDrawer 1 0
FancyDress 1 0
FancyShirt 1 1
FancyWoodenChairCushion 7 0
FullApron 1 0
FurnitureDyeTub 34 1
GlassMug 35 16
GoldBeadNecklace 104 102
GoldBracelet 69 87
GoldEarrings 68 87
GoldNecklace 101 84
GoldRing 92 101
HalfApron 41 67
HornedTribalMask 4 2
JesterHat 0 1
Kilt 7 7
LargeCrate 1 0
LargeTable 6 0
MarblePedistal 7 0
MarbleSittingBench 7 0
MarbleTableEnd1 6 0
MarbleTableEnd2 7 0
MarbleTableMiddle 15 0
MediumCrate 19 1
Nightstand 12 0
OakTableWithRunnerEnd1 6 0
OakTableWithRunnerEnd2 7 0
OakTableWithRunnerMiddle 83 22
PlainDress 5 2
PotionKeg 3 0
RewardCake 1 0
Robe 4 2
Sandals 5 8
SandstoneFencePost2 1 0
SandStoneSittingBench 6 0
SandStoneTableEnd1 6 0
SandStoneTableEnd2 1 0
SandStoneTableMiddle 3 0
ShortPants 43 54
Skirt 1 1
SmallCrate 1 0
SpecialMaskDye 1 3
StoneFencePost1 5 0
StoneTableEnd1 5 0
StoneTableEnd2 6 0
StoneTableMiddle 16 0
Stool 1 0
TallMusicStand 1 0
Throne 3 0
TribalMask 1 0
TricorneHat 1 1
Tunic 56 68
WizardsHat 53 61
WoodenBench 25 1
WoodenBox 4 0
WoodenChairCushion 3 0
WoodenChest 110 0
WritingTable 1 0
Total Count 1426 1035
Inactive items are located on accounts that have not been accessed in 90 days
Item Database Last Updated: 10-21-2024 7:04 PM (EST) | Updates Every 24 Hours