Fishing Tournament by Zyler
Fishing Tournament: Thur, Jan 16th thru Sun, Jan 19th
Come take part in Zylers 5th official fishing tournament!
Anyone can enter - no entry fee!
Over 250k in prizes!!! (so far)
(95+ fishing offshore is required to catch a Big Fish, tis by-catch of a sea serpent)
Patch 47 - February 11th 2014, Website Update, Holiday Content
* Added a new overworld event for Valentines Day
* Extensive overhaul of the Renaissance Website & Compendium
* New unified web search utility.
* Search for compendium articles, players, guilds and items in one search.
* Minor tweaks to the unattended verification system
* A small list of bugs were addressed
And much more! Patch 47 Details
cA Mongbattle
The next cA Animal event will be: MONGBATTLE!!!
It will be a bracketed fighting championship, only the strongest Mongbat wins!
Mongbats will be drawn at random, to fight to the death (no yielding).
There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3d places only.
1st Annual Summoners Sprints
Congrats to the winners of the first annual summoners sprints!
1st Race - 1st Place Mes, 2nd Place Dank Nuggets, 3rd Place Rufus SixSmith
2nd Race - 1st Place Jupiter, 2rd Place Jleem, 3rd Place Robin Redding
Thanks to everyone who made the 1st Annual Race a blast!
A tale of jilted love and Cupids fury
Beginning on February 11th players can seek out cupids minions as they roam the land looking for the location of those guilty of the most heinous crime. Rumors are they are carrying a magical scroll that can summon cupid into the lands to rain down suffering on those who desecrated the altar of love.
Should players find this scroll and make it Cupids Lair near a prison buried in the mountains they can attempt to summon Cupids army themselves. But beware as they will not be happy to find filthy humans desecrating the altar of love.
Royal Britannia Summoners Sprints
Congrats to the winners of the Sprint
1st Place - Ilban and SnapDragon
2nd Place - Hans and Liberation
3rd Place - Roland and Mobolin
Server Maintenance
~ Server Maintenance ~
Notice: Our host site is experincing a hardware fault in their virtual cluster this weekend.
They are working quickly to resolve it but it could be a little while before it is repaired.
This has no effect on our data but could mean we have a short outage.
We will also be moving to our new dedicated server as soon as it is provisioned
The provisioning should be complete by 2-23-14.
Thank you for your patience while we get this resolved.
Server Maintenance Scavenger Hunt
Congrats to the winners of the Server Maintenance Test Center Scavenger Hunt!
1st Place Tie (12 Points) - Stranger, Aqueous, Descartes
2nd Place Tie (10 Points) - Bart Simpson, Shadbak
3rd Place (7 Points) - Nightshark
4th Place Tie (6 Points) - Jim Drizzle, Wittol
5th Place (5 Points) - Deklar
UO:Renaissance Host Migration
On 2-23 at 6pm CST server time we will be migrating to a new host.
If you have trouble connecting during the migration just use the direct IP address.
Complete DNS propagation should be complete in 24-48 hours.
Play.uorenaissance.com and login.uorenaissance.com will continue work as before.
Thanks for being understanding during the migration process.
Our new dedicated server will allow UO:R to continue to thrive as a top UO free shard.
The Undead Attack Trinsic Attacked!
Trinsic is under attack from legions of the undead!
The guards have been unable to stop the masses of undead attacking the town.
A Necromancer was seen raising corpses of fallen warriors from battles long past.
Take care when travelling in this area.
Pirate Ironman Champion
Congratulations to the 4th player to complete the Pirate Ironman Challenge.
Dalavar Mapmage
He successfully defeated the pirate bay, hidden treasure, pirate cave and pirate ship
dungeons, while using a single character and nothing more than a nightmare
for assistance.
Britannia Naval Battle
A sailor just washed on the beach south of Britain severely wounded.
Before he expired he told an unbelievable tale of a treasure hunt gone wrong.
While using a fishing net to search the depthts a strange vortex was pulled up.
Before the pirates could determine the purpose of the vortex is began spewing
sea monsters that began laying waste to the pirate fleet.
Pirate Armada Sighted
Hear ye! Hear ye!
A pirate armada has been sighted just outside Trinsic at Onion island
All free folks gather together for this threat to our realms
Join together to kill this evil pirate lord while he is still stuck.
Pirate Ironman Champion
Congratulations to the 5th player to complete the Pirate Ironman Challenge.
He successfully defeated the pirate bay, hidden treasure, pirate cave and pirate ship
dungeons, while using a single character and nothing more than a nightmare
for assistance.
Pirate Ironman Champion
Congratulations to the 6th player to complete the Pirate Ironman Challenge.
Biff Loman
He successfully defeated the pirate bay, hidden treasure, pirate cave and pirate ship
dungeons, while using a single character and nothing more than his bardic skills and trusty katana
Dalavar Mapmage and the Elder Wyrm
Greetings, fellow Brittanians. I come to thee with a message of dire importance, and dire portents. As you may know, I tend to roam these lands alone, slaying beasts and hunting treasure only with my close family. But perhaps it is time that changes.
For there is a beast I have yet to slay, and he has shamed my family name. I call upon you to aid me in this quest, that you may earn riches and I may finally restore the honor of my ancestors.
Pirate Ironman Champion
Congratulations to the 7th player to complete the Pirate Ironman Challenge.
He successfully defeated the pirate bay, hidden treasure, pirate cave and pirate ship
dungeons, while using a single character and nothing more than stealth, stealing, tracking and hiding
Spring Ahead Freesist Training Event
Welcome again to yet another Freesist (free resist) Training Session!
This is open to ALL players. Please leave your grudges at the door.
There will be gates provided to WBB, or just ask for a ride in IRC.
Delegates will be assigned for access over the course of the session which will run as long as there are targets to cast on and reagents in the box.
Moonglow Attacked!
Travellers Beware!
Strange creatures have attacked the town of Moonglow!
Leaving eggs and destruction in their wake.
Use extreme caution when in this area as the guards have abandoned their post
Skara Brae Attacked!
Travellers Beware!
Strange creatures have attacked the town of Skara Brae!
Leaving eggs and destruction in their wake.
Use extreme caution when in this area as the guards have abandoned their post.
Trinsic Attacked!
Trinsic has been invaded by strange sugary creatures!
Apparently drawn to town by a recent plague of Easter bunnies dropping eggs.
The town guards have fled the town while volunteer healers are stationed at the banks.
Exercise extreme caution in this area!
Pirate Ironman Champion
Congratulations to the 8th player to complete the Pirate Ironman Challenge.
He successfully defeated the pirate bay, hidden treasure, pirate cave and pirate ship
dungeons, while using a single character and nothing more than lumberjacking, magery and swordsmanship
Pirate Ironman Champion
Congratulations to the 9th player to complete the Pirate Ironman Challenge.
Dalavar Archmage
He successfully defeated the pirate bay, hidden treasure, pirate cave and pirate ship
dungeons, while using a single character and nothing more than his trust bow, magery and provocation
Urk Mytee Gladiator Tourney
Zal'tra gladiatorz kaym tu Bluud'chok Hai's mytee evunt!
Sum whur week umies, dem whur Jayden Tsaih, Ishbu, Luciana, Ttocs, Dalavar, Bili the Axe, Goltana, Selotick, Balian, en Grizzled Hell.
Ob korz we hab ta urukz en diz clomp dem wuz Zulg'ugor en Gur'Nogst. Muzt umies bekaym ded en den der wuz tra Jayden Tsiah, Zul'ugor en Gur'Nogst.
Bluud en k'nabb'h eburi whur.
Gur'Nogst en Zulg'ogur hab tu clomp eej uddur en dem clomp fur lung ty
Stormhold Siege (Tuesday Turtle)
The citizens of Stormhold and her allies barricaded themselves and their treasure deep within the recesses of their fortress and a mob of orc roleplayers, rogues, ruffians and even murderers beset them for nearly an hour before finally breaking through. Carving a path to the treasure room, and finally claiming most of the treasure, was Team Trammel lead by Mes. Twas a glorious battle and we hope to have more of these in the future!
May I Fish - Fishing Tournament Results
Congrats to the daily and overall winners of the May I Fish Tournament.
Mule, 1st Place Biggest Fish
Sabin Corvas, 1st Place Biggest Fish
Betty White, 2nd Place Biggest Fish
Dage, 3rd Place Biggest Fish
Vintage, 1st Place Smallest Fish
Arial, 2nd Place Smallest Fish
Lady Peep, Best Screenshot
Rod Longcast, Best Fish Tale
Introducing the Submerged Caverns on Ocllo
"While bunking for the night at The Albatross inn you overhear a hushed conversation."
"Ever since that forsaken place has emerged we have had all sorts of warriors and rogues for hire come in search of fame and treasure", the man makes a gesture to pointing south, they gather down there near the Occlo docks, in search of some sodden eulogy.
"As for me, I will not go near that place! No sir!"
"I say let them search and good riddance. Them ruffians bring nothing but trouble and calamity if ya ask me!"
Continued. . .
Strange Golems Attack Minoc
During a recent mining excavation in the minoc mines and team of miners unearthed a strange abomination.
While investigating the creature and attempting to determine its origins a mass of the creatures arose from the mines.
Unable to be damaged by nothing other than the hardest weapons the creatures seemed immortal.
Eventually a brave band of warriors equipped with their strongest weapons were able to send the golems back into the metal from which they were spawned.
They are defeated for now . . But who knows which town will be next.
The Great Sosarian Wizard
Think you are tough? Come prove it and become The Great Sosarian Wizard !
Players will enter a dueling pin with two vicious dragons. Each player will have a set amount of healing/cure regs and a set amount of potions!
Whoever lasts the longest will win the prize pool of 100k, second place will receive 50k!
Congrats to the winners of the event!
1st Place Hiraku
1st Place Bartimus
1st Place Winter Windstrum
Cove Attacked!
Golems today attacked yet another town laying waste to the guards and townsfolk!
Thankfully quick action by a large group of players was able to drive back the menace.
Pirate Ironman Champion
Congratulations to the 10th player to complete the Pirate Ironman Challenge.
Hazy successfully defeated the pirate bay, hidden treasure, pirate cave and pirate ship
dungeons, while using a single character and nothing more than his trusty fencing weapon, magery and provocation
The Battle for Spiritwood - Plight of Paws
Puzzles, riddles, and bones.
The villagers would soon be wanting answers as to why the human jerky and bones were appearing around their peaceful settlement.
Jupiter was not quite sure he could provide the answers they would want to hear. Honestly he wasn not sure if he wanted to admit by what means they were delivered . . . nor by whom.
He had hoped that the game of fox and hound he had started with Cestius Flavius had also ended with him being scorched in his contemptible cottage, but these bones and gestures bore all the same signs of this same hunter, if not somehow slightly muted. . . it was as
though they were from the same person as before yet somehow his will was being controlled. Continued. . .
Pirate Ironman Champion
Congratulations to the 11th player to complete the Pirate Ironman Challenge.
Basoosh and her trusty nightmare, Stinky Britches, followed the trail of pirate riches from a waterside tavern, to an ancient lighthouse, through a secret cave, and finally through four treacherous decks of the Devils Doom, the pirate flagship.
Victory was achieved! Loot was plundered! Booty was ... tampered with.
World First - First Complete Suit of Pheonix Armor
Congratulations to Dalavar for being the first player to assemble a suit of the extremely rare Armor of the Phoenix.
Obtained by completing extremely rare blacksmithing bulk order deeds this suit of armor consists of the following;
- Ringmail Sleeves of the Phoenix
- Norse Helm of the Phoenix
- Ringmail Gloves of the Phoenix
- Ringmail Leggings of the Phoenix
- Ringmail Tunic of the Phoenix
- Studded Gorget of the Phoenix
Compendium Update - Armor Pages now Added
Players can now find detailed information on all types of armor in the compendium.
The following information can be found about any piece of armor.
- Strength Requirement
- Dex Less
- AR (Piece/Suit)
- Weight
- Chance to be Hit
- Exceptional and Material Properties
The GreenBowl BagBall Tourney
Bagball Tourney Results!
Congrats to the winners of the first ever player run Bag Ball Tournament on Renaissance!
1st Place Team (Lumberjacking It) consisting of Taliic and Abraham Lincoln
2nd Place Team (Hype Train) consisting of Gideon Jura and Krake Vestahl
Special thanks to Halabinder for running the event and all the players who contributed to the prize pool.
Royal Britannia Summoners Sprints
Congrats to the winners of the Sprint
- Round One -
1st Place - Ezzenglade and Mr Brownstone
2nd Place - Moochowder and Nightshade
3rd Place - Pepper and Orvis
- Round Two -
1st Place - Temp
2nd Place - Pepper
3rd Place - Pill the Mack
Summoner Wars!
Congratulations to the winners of the Summoner Wars event hosted by Project Sanctuary!
1st Place Team 2v2 Match - Ezzenglade / Othniel
2nd Place Team 2v2 Match - Lando / Dycledarg
1st Place 1v1 Match - Dycledarg
2nd Place 1v1 Match - Geurrero
Winner of the Free For All Match - Ezzenglade
Special thanks to Krake Veshatl for organzing and running the event and Westra of Wispfelt for hosting.
Stormhold Hosts Friday Night Fights #1
Congratulations to the winners of the Friday Night Fights
1st Place - Pax Romain
2nd Place - Madera
3rd Place - Perseus
Special Thanks to Vlar and Stormhold for hosting the event.
Stormhold Hosts Friday Night Fights #2
Congratulations to the winners of the Friday Night Fights
1st Place - Pax Romain
2nd Place - Jack Bauer
3rd Place - Ezra Scarlet & Tenacious D
Special Thanks to Vlar and Stormhold for hosting the event.
What Cold Winter Tales - Village of Paws & Heroes of UO:R
What cold winter chill is borne this eve
To cast a frozen shadow upon the pond
Whose sapphire waters were ever warm.
Jupiter came to investigate and found a terrible surprise.
The essence of the Sapphire Maiden had been taken from the pond!
She was forcibly removed, the ice that was once the pristine water
Clearly bore the scars of a fierce resistance. The only clues left
Were some odd runic symbols, a star chart of sorts.
continue reading. . .
Stormhold Hosts Friday Night Fights #3
Congratulations to the winners of the Friday Night Fights
1st Place - leggo my eggo
2nd Place - an indian
3rd Place - Stavros
Special Thanks to Vlar and Stormhold for hosting the event.
Britain Attacked
Britain Attacked!
Hoards of Elves have attacked the town!
After a fierce battle many adventures rallied to the town and beat back the invasion!
Christmas Elf Invasion
After several scouting missions the elves have attacked en mass!
A fierce battle was waged in Britain before the elves were defeated.
As they retreated through their gate Lord British was able to lock it open.
While many brave warriors fell during the battle the adventures were able to defeat the elves across many hidden realms. The final battle with the commander was brutal and bloodied on both sides but eventually he was defeated.